Our philosophy on service is “A customer experiencing a problem or need is an opportunity for Coffee Mill to really shine”.
We realize that from time to time things happen; our equipment may have a problem or a customers may run out of a product. It’s our response to these problems or issues that allows Coffee Mill to show how important great service is to our organization. We know we are not perfect and, though we try very hard, we do make mistakes. When we make a mistake or have an issue we take care of it as quickly and efficiently as possible. I believe a service company is measured by how they respond to fix these mistakes.
A second feature of great service is response time. We respond quickly to all calls and questions, and take care of the issue the first time. We often amaze our customers with our lightning fast response times.
A third feature of great service is communication and follow-up. Communication – We first must define the need. This means listening carefully to the customer and if necessary, reading between the lines of what they are saying. We then arrive quickly and fix the problem the first time. When the issue has been resolved, we follow up by communicating to the customer what the issues was and what we did to fix it.
A fourth feature of great service is a proactive program performed by our employees behind the scene. These programs reduce the chances of our customers experiencing brewer problems;
During a routine delivery and maintenance visit our Route Reps:
1. Clean the brew baskets.
2. Clean the spray head area.
3. Clean the counter top area around the brewer.
4. Clean and exchange all glass and thermal pots each delivery.
I believe these four features are deep-rooted in each of our employees and are the cornerstone of Great Service for Coffee Mill.